
UCTR —The Invention Which Is Thousand Years Ahead Of Time!

1.2 Philosophy Of

Problem Solving!

Human life is full of problems. After all, that's what makes it more interesting! But, there is no need to fret or get perturbed by them! Because, the beauty of majority of these problems is -they have got only a few root causes behind them. This means, by eliminating just these few root causes, we can make their numerous off-shoot end problems disappear automatically! This is that miraculous philosophy of problem solving which can ultimately empower mankind to pull infinity out of zero!

Classification Of The Problems!

As a first step in the direction of solving most of the earth's problems we should begin with the proper classification of the problems. So accordingly, I have classified the majority of the earth's most bothering problems under five categories as follows.

  • 1. Diseases and accidents

  • 2. Poverty and inflation

  • 3. Excessive inventory

  • 4. Negative mindset

  • 5. Climate change

  • 6. Expensive procedures

Reclassification Of The Problems!

We have already noted, UCTR can eliminate the root cause (i.e., RVPDs & allergic rhinitis) behind more than 50% of all the diseases of the world by volume. After the adoption of UCTR, we need to reclassify the problems as follows: -

  • 1. Remaining diseases (which is less than 50% of all the diseases) and accidents

  • 2. Poverty and inflation

  • 3. Excessive inventory

  • 4. Negative mindset

  • 5. Climate change

  • 6. Expensive procedures

Abundant Ultra Cheap Green Energy

-The Miraculous Root Solution!

Fortunately, the root causes behind the above reclassified five core problems number 1 to 5 are having a great common root solution also. This common root solution is: abundant ultra cheap green energy. We can use vast multidimensional gargantuan benefits of UCTR to turbo-charge the research & development and production of non-polluting ultra cheap green energy to create a much needed leverage to solve the remaining problems number 1 to 5 quickly. How to solve problem: #6, i.e., expensive procedures is explained in one of the next webpages.

Next Up: - 1.3 Is UCTR -an alien technology?